Ammonia nitrogen remover

2020-11-12 504

Ammonia nitrogen degradation agent

Veolia's ammonia nitrogen degradation agent is a high-tech product composed of a variety of inorganic compounds, chelating agents, additives and so on. It is a new high-tech water treatment agent without secondary pollution. It is mainly used for material and biochemical treatment of wastewater treatment enterprises whose ammonia nitrogen is not up to standard.

Product features

In the process of treatment, give full play to the coordination functions of catalytic oxidation, flocculation, adsorption, CO sedimentation, etc. to strengthen the treatment of sewage. This agent has a better effect on ammonia nitrogen treatment, and the production sludge is easier to dehydrate, which can avoid or reduce the sludge concentration, adjust the use of flocculant and reduce the cost of sludge treatment.

Technical index



PH value


Light red liquid



Soluble in water

usage method

1. 将本品投加在处理过的废水中,产品与废水须充分搅拌均匀。

2. 试验时,取100公斤原水,静放1小时,取上清液测氨氮值。投加氨氮去除剂,充分搅拌,然后静放1小时,取上清液测氨氮值。用量由少至多逐步检验效果(参考用量一般为氨氮值的10倍,具体用量以试验数据为准)

3. 投加点选择在投加絮凝剂的池子里,根据系统情况不同,也可以尝试在其他污水处理池里试验。

4. 本产品在低温或者高温下使用不影响效果,适合不同类型的废水,但不同的废水效果不同,要求的投加量也不同。

Storage and packaging

Storage and cool, ventilated, dry place, 25kg, 1t or tank car. The shelf life is three months